Monday, October 14, 2013

Walking or running which is actually better?

People often are found choosing between the two exercises, one a more fast paced often quicker exercise the other a slower more sedate paced exercise.

Walking is Superior
Walking surpasses running by far, despite it being less strenuous, its benefits arguably exceed that of running. Both obviously are much more healthier then standing still or laying down and provide immense health benefits to those who do it regularly.

Although runners are shown to have reduced risk of heart disease, walkers have shown a much larger risk reduction rate of likeliness to attract heart disease of almost double that of runners. So Interestingly enough the health benefits are greater than that of running, at least for ones heart.

Injury levels are much lower when walking as it is a low impact exercise. Where running actually risks a person more injuries, as it is a medium-to high impact exercise. Running ius more likely to result in muscle strains, ankle injuries and even fall impact damage.

Walking is simple and much easier to do, people feel less self conscious wen walking down a busy street then they do running. It is truly the superior lazy type of exercise!

Who Walks?
Often you find that those who begin walking are those more unhealthier people, which allows for much greater changes in their lives then those who run. Runners tend to already be fairly healthy and this leads to only small changes to their overall health compared to walkers. 

It tends to be more of an older persons exercise, from what I have observed the serious walkers tend to be those who are older. However this doesn't make walking an exercise for only older people, in fact lots of people do it in the simplest ways. Walking down to the shops, to the bus stop, visiting a nearby friend or family member. Though these people do it less seriously they are still walking when they can.

This is the brilliance behind walking, you can do it anywhere, well almost anywhere. Running can be more embarrassing in public which creates a certain disincentive to even try it. Walking is easier and more acceptable in a persons own eyes due to it being considered more normal. 

This is why walking will always be superior to running, the health benefits and the social stigma of the exercises.

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  1. I think walking is better than running because running may give too many pressure on our knee.

    1. I agree the physical discomfort of running far outweighs a simple walk.

  2. Running gives me lower back muscle spasms
